Wednesday, January 14, 2009


I think I might just stay indoors in front of the fireplace tomorrow!!

What does "feels like -29F" feel like anyway? I guess we'll find out at 9am tomorrow. Jeff says he's definitely going outside to find out!


Stephanie said...

Holy freezing cold Guacamole!!!!! I would be in the fireplace I think. Miss you!!

Stacy said...

I think that "feels like -29" is just plain to cold no matter how it feels. I think you should stay in front of the fireplace also. Make sure Jeff goes out in his shorts so he gets the full effect of how it feels. :)

Anonymous said...

You know, I think it is crazy! We had minus 7 in Wisconsin which felt like minus 15-20 and it was indescribable except to say it simply hits you in the face and takes your breath away. It goes right through you. Good luck Jeff!! Hope you have fun as we enjoy our 50 degree day here in Washington.

I am assuming they are closing school? Or maybe not.
Miss Connie