Sunday, August 21, 2011


Lynne's new house in Arizona has a great backyard with a pool that the kids LOVED. They were up early in the morning and out there swimming as soon as Jeff would let them -- and before I even got up!

They had a great time jumping in -- they made up new jumps and even named a few of them (like the one named "Cameron" where you jumped with your hand down your pants!) :)

I think this was the "Ninja" jump......

This is Rena jumping into her tube. She spent most of her time either jumping into the tube or onto the air mattress. While jumping, though, she had to yell "haaaaaa......chaaaaaaa" to get the most distance.....

Another favorite thing of the kids to do was to dive for money. Of course that meant that we had to have the coins to throw in -- and by the time our visit was over we were actually throwing dollar bills in (from Grandpa Joel).....

Grandma Lynne also had the outside freezer stocked with otter pops for the kids.....


Aimie Hunter said...

Love their pool, especially the waterfall and floating drink table!

Stefanie said...

The waterfall was fun!