Tuesday, August 23, 2011


We celebrated Cameron's 9th birthday while we were in Indio. First thing in the morning he opened some presents. His main gift was new roller blades, but he also got some new goggles, squirt guns, torpedo blasters, a lego watch, a game, a new movie & an Angry Birds t-shirt......

He chose pancakes for his birthday breakfast so Jeff decided to barbeque them. They turned out pretty good.......

I had a candle, but no way to light it -- I tried the stove and thought about sticking my hand in the bbq, but decided that we should play-it-safe for breakfast and just act like it was lit. Cameron wasn't as willing to play along and wouldn't fake blow it out......

We spent the day up top Mt. San Jacinto (details on another post!) and then we went out for dinner and ice-cream. When we asked Cameron where he wanted to go for his birthday dinner he chose Target for hot dogs and icee's. Luckily we were able to convince him orange chicken and ice-cream would be better -- and not something that we always go out for. So, we ended up at the City Wok Chinese Restaurant and then at Cold Stone for ice-cream......

Can't believe he his 9 years old already -- how fast time goes by! We had a good day celebrating Cameron!

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