Sunday, January 23, 2011


Rena has joined the Girls Scouts and is now a Daisy! We got her vest on Friday so that she would be all ready for her first meeting on Monday afternoon. She has already learned The Girl Scout Promise to earn the center of her Daisy and can't wait to start earning the Daisy Petals for her vest. The first project is making and delivering Valentines Day Cards to the Carlsbad Police Station -- she'll earn a petal for "respect authority" and for being "considerate and caring".

So, the vest, of course, came blank and we had to buy and iron the patches on. Even though they are easy iron-on patches I was a little concerned about getting them on correctly.....and without ruining the vest. After Rena asked about 100 times, I finally pulled out the iron. I started with the flag and worked my way down to the troop number. I thought I did pretty darn good until I showed it to Rena and she said, "OH, it looks good mommy. No one will notice that the flag isn't on straight".

And then.....Jeff walks into the kitchen and about has a heart attack while saying....."What is that? The iron? You're ironing?" I guess he hasn't seen it lately -- I seem to be better at running to the dry cleaners than getting out my own iron! :) This is a rare sight in our house.....

1 comment:

jilldaisbrenne said...

Similar things happen in our house when I break out the ironing board. Nobody even knows what it is anymore.

Congrats Rena!! Have fun