Tuesday, December 09, 2008


Before you read this you've got to remember -- I was born and raised in Washington State on the West side of the mountains where it hardly ever snows. Sure we might get snow once or twice during the winter, but when we did it only stayed around for a couple of days and everything shut down and got cancelled. Actually - everything practically got shut down and cancelled even if there was just a forecast for snow.

So, here I am for the first time in my life living somewhere where it snows all winter long. We had our first snow about 2 weeks ago (and it's still on the ground) and things have been rather cold ever since. Now I know it's just going to keep getting colder, but when Cameron arrived home from school with a "School Emergency Closings" bulletin all I could think was, "are you kidding me?"!

Here's what it said:
Snow - Generally speaking, snow is not a primary reason for closing school (OK, I can understand that). As long as roads are not drifting shut, it's possible we would have school even with a sizable snowfall (e.g., greater than six inches). (WHAT??? I can not understand that -- they want me to drive with 6 inches of snow on the ground??? Yikes!!!)

It went on to say:
Cold - Please remember that we do live in central Illinois so below 0 degree weather is not uncommon. In most situations, if air temperature is 0 degrees to -10 degrees with a little or moderate wind chill, we will likely have school. Air temperature of -20 degrees or below (regardless of wind chill) will probably cause us to cancel school (Whew - finally good news!). If temperatures are between -11 degrees to -19 degrees and depending on wind chill, road conditions, and other current weather conditions, we may or may not have school. (Are they serious??? They want me to go out when it's -19 degrees???)

I think it's going to be a long winter.......right now the Seattle rain and grey skies are sounding really, really GOOD to me!!!!


Stacy said...

That is the funniest thing I have read. I hope you can make it through the winter ok. You are going to need to bundle up. Be careful if you drive in 10 inches of snow and wear a scarf if you go out in 19 degree weather. :) You can always come to the grey and rain when you need to get away!!!!

jilldaisbrenne said...

Welcome to midwest winters! I have to confess, I don't miss them one bit!

I'll be hoping for a mild season for you! And I'll be hoping that your vehicles always start. And that your kids don't mind bundling up from head to toe. And that you get a snow blower......

Anonymous said...

Stefanie, I lived in Wyoming as a kid and we never stopped going anywere when it snowed. We would have drifts up the side of the house as well. So, I think Seattle is mighty nice in spite of the rain. I love snow but not below zero cold. Stay inside and stay warm. Miss Connie

Anonymous said...

Stefanie, we will fly into Chicago on Dec. 20th and then drive to Green Bay, Wisconsin. So, I will get to experience some of your cold. I am not looking forward to that part of the trip. Wish we had time to see you guys. Wouldn't that have been great! This Christmas we will have both our children together and be with our daughter-in-law's family. It will be the first Christmas in 6 years with our Christy. Hurray!! Order yourself some new sheepskin slippers and buy a case of hot chocolate and stay warm!!
Miss Connie

Anonymous said...


I need your address....where are you?? Antartica??

Contact me...I don't have your email since you moved....?? and I cant find your address!

Hope all is well....Stay warm. Its wet here... but MAYBE snow this weekend!!! :o)

Megan said...

stef if it makes you feel any better it is suposted to snow here all weekend and it will be 19 degrees AT THE HIGHEST on monday