Sunday, July 07, 2013


Both Cameron and Rena competed in the annual Elementary School track meet this year.  Rena ran in the 400m relay and Cameron ran the 400m race.  There were a total of 6 schools in the meet.

Time to warm up......

Rena is 4th from the back and Cameron is right in front of her.....

The whole LCM team -- Cameron is right in front of the "D" in the "GO DOLPHINS" sign and Rena is sitting down 2nd from the left......

Rena and Emma -- Rena was first leg of the relay handing off to Emma.....

Rena and Emma in action.......

The girls relay team came in 3rd and Cameron came in 4th in his race. 

I was very proud of both of them, but was really proud that Cameron got out there and competed without ever training or practicing with the team -- the day before the meet the boy that was suppose to compete backed out so the coach asked Cameron to fill-in.  He did it without complaining and did a great job!

1 comment:

Stacy said...

That looks like fun. I am glad they both did so well.