Monday, February 01, 2010


Maleah had her yearly tests at the hospital last week to check on her reflux and make sure her kidneys are still lookin' good. She did great during the tests, but unfortunately after the VCUG we found out that she STILL has the reflux. Luckily the Ultrasound showed that her kidneys look excellent -- no damage from the reflux. We also found out that the reflux did go down to a stage 1 reflux so it is getting better and hopefully will be completely gone by next year when she has to do the tests all over again.

We made a little stop at the McDonald's in the hospital for a treat before heading home.....

Maleah really is a VERY good patient.....she did very little complaining or crying during either tests. And she is so funny to listen to when she talks about the tests. Rena had the same tests done last year and the 2 of them talk and compare notes about the "straw up the butt" test (as they call it). The VCUG is NOT a fun test, but it sounds really funny when they talk about it!


jilldaisbrenne said...

Glad it's getting better. Is she still on antibotics for it?

jilldaisbrenne said...

Glad it's getting better. Is she still on antibotics for it?

Stefanie said...

Yes, she still has to take a daily antibiotic. It's always been the same one, though, so she's fine with it....and she's use to doing it so it's not really that big of a deal. The big deal is that I have to remember to get it refilled and have to remember to give it to her every night! I only forget once in a while!! :)