Monday, October 20, 2008


Rena and Maleah's preschool had a "Fall Program" this evening. It consisted of some singing, some cookies and punch and some look-around the classroom time. Since I'm in the classroom everyday we didn't have to spend too much time on the last part! :)

Both of the girls did great singing........I was very proud of both of them. They were both put in the very back rows during their performances so it was impossible for me to get a picture of them during their singing (and they looked so cute during their singing doing all of the body motions and having fun - although Maleah did look a little bit scared also). Cameron tried his hardest for me, but he wasn't even able to sneak up close enough to get them. I, of course, did have my camera in hand for after-program shots:

Rena and her friend, MacKenzie.

Maleah and her teacher, Mrs. Rumsey.

This is the part Cameron was waiting all night for -- cookies!

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