Thursday, September 04, 2008


Today was the big day -- the girls first full day in preschool. They both got up early and excited. They had their clothes picked out the night before and were ready to learn first thing this morning!

Things went pretty well -- until we got to the school.....

Rena - the one that I wasn't worried about - didn't want me to leave. She did some begging and some crying to get me to stay, but after a quick hug and kiss I was out the door and she was just fine. She ended up having a great morning and is ready to go back tomorrow.

Maleah, on the other hand, had no problem with me leaving. She gave both Cameron & I hugs and kisses, said good-bye and started playing. Unfortunately a few minutes after we left she realized that we had really left and that she was there by herself. The teacher said that she got very sad and didn't want to do anything.....including eat fruit snacks - which if Maleah doesn't want to eat fruit snacks something is definitely wrong! :) The teachers spent the rest of class walking around carrying Maleah. She wasn't crying, she just didn't want to do anything or be left alone. She doesn't have class tomorrow, but hopefully Monday will be a better day for her!

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