It's been just over two weeks since I last blogged and my only reason for not blogging is that we really haven't done much to blog about. Between kids being sick, rainy dreary weather, and just plain laziness we haven't gotten out and done much. So, you would think that since we have been home quite a bit that my house would be clean.....or that I would have finished a project or two.....or maybe that I would have even started a new project. Well, I hate to admit it, but none of these things have happened. We have watched quite a few movies, read A LOT of books and invented many new games to keep us busy indoors.
So, although it wasn't really "blog material" when it was happening here's a look back at our past two weeks........
We had a "picnic" dinner of cheese & crackers and chips & salsa in front of the t.v. while we watched the superbowl. Eventhough I didn't even know who was playing when the game started we still had fun watching the game (and the commercials)!
One day we spent the whole afternoon in front of the fireplace (some of us sleeping). Cameron wasn't feeling good and actually ended up missing over a week of school. Luckily he's feeling much better now.
One of the games the kids made up was "camping in the little closet". Not much room, but they thought it was great.
This is the "little closet" and they are camping underneath the bottom set of stairs.
Cookies, of course!! We can't have a holiday around here without cut-out cookies. The kids however were not impressed with my 2 heart cut-outs and 1 lip cut-out so we ended up with Christmas trees, reindeer and stars to celebrate Valentine's Day. Oh well, it was still fun making them and they still tasted good!
Cookie decorating is serious business around here!
Sugar, sugar and more sugar! These are Rena's cookies and the only good thing I can say about these is that Rena did what she always does with the cookies -- she spends the most amount of time decorating, but she doesn't even take one bite. She does, however, eat her fair share of frosting while she is decorating!
This game isn't really new, but it's been a big hit lately -- "beware of pirates"! The kids turn Cameron's bunk bed into a pirate ship and dress up in anything that they think prepares them for battle. They wait for the right time and the right person and then they attack!!! Last night it was Jeff -- as soon as he got home from work he had three little pirates attacking him with a sword, a nerf shooter and a flashlight (don't ask about the flashlight that was Maleah's weapon of choice).
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