Friday, March 02, 2012


Rena turned 8 years old last Thursday, February 23rd. How did 8 years go by so fast???

On Wednesday night I was going out to dinner with some friends and before I left Rena says to me "mom, don't you want to take my picture one last time so that you remember what I looked like when I was 7?" So, here it is -- the last picture of Rena when she was just 7 years old.....

For breakfast I fixed her a very fancy breakfast with all of her favorite things -- a bag of powered sugar Hostess Donettes......and a strawberry banana smoothie......

She opened a present before school and got a new outfit from Jeff and I. So, here is Rena at 8 years old......

For dinner that night Rena got to pick the restaurant and chose our favorite Mexican Restaurant - Casa De Bandini.....

Rena likes cherries!.....

She liked the band that sang happy birthday to her too!......

On Friday night we had our friends, The McCulloughs (no relation to my sister) and our neighbors, The Martinez's over for cupcakes and ice-cream.......

Rena has one more celebration coming up this weekend. We are taking a group of girls ice-skating and then back home for more cake and ice-cream. Should be a fun time! Rena is really looking forward to it. Stay tuned for an update in a couple of days! :)

1 comment:

Stacy said...

Happy Birthday Rena. You look just as cute as an 8 yr. old as you did as a 7 yr. old. I hope ice skating was fun!!!!!