Monday, March 16, 2009


We spent this past weekend in Naperville at Peggy's house and joined her, Kari, Craig, Carter, Noah, Riley and Oliver in the Naperville St. Patrick's Day Parade on Saturday morning. Peggy has a friend that makes custom dog and cat collars.....Lucky Fiona.....and was advertising her business by walking in the parade. Peggy's friend was looking for dogs and kids to walk -- dogs because of the business and kids because there was candy and dog treats to hand out.

I don't really know what I was thinking when I said that the kids and I would walk with this group considering the fact that both girls are completely scared of dogs. So here we are at a parade walking with a group that had about 20 dogs with them and every time a dog came near either one of the girls they started yelling and crying. Both girls ended up doing fine once the parade started, but they wanted nothing to do with any of the dogs (big or small) while we were waiting for our turn.

This is Oliver, Tami's dog, after Craig got him ready to celebrate St. Patrick's Day!

Carter, Cameron and Noah waiting for the parade to start.

Peggy and Riley waiting for the parade to start.

Peggy was the driver of the truck and Oliver and Rena took turns riding with her. Rena is also afraid of Oliver so they couldn't ride together.

1 comment:

Megan said...

Hehe that looks like it was fun...I thought rena liked Oliver?when you guys were here she kept telling me she wanted a dog like Oliver because sue liked him I well looks like you had fun!!!