Maleah and I spent a few extra days in Washington after Jeff & Rena and the packers headed to Illinois. I was thankful to be able to spend some more time with my family and friends before we made the big move!
Megan and Maleah were best buds hanging out together!
Both Megan and Stacy got their hair fixed by Maleah while she was playing beauty salon. They were good sports putting up with the brushing until Maleah would finally decide that "it looked beautiful"........then it was on to the next person!
Even Mike got some quality time with Maleah!
Cameron and Alex spent the weekend playing Star Wars. It was either Star Wars Lego's, light saber or.....
.....Star Wars Lego's on the X-Box!
On Saturday my long-time friends, The Ayers, came to visit. The kids played outside in the dirt pile giving us adults some time to chat......
Mike, Stacy, Craig and Lisa.
Me and Lisa!
On Wednesday night (our first night without a home) Cameron, Maleah and I stayed with our friends Leif, Jill, Campbelle and Christian. We've had many great play dates with them and this one was the same..........except the good-bye was a lot harder!!
Cameron spent the last 3 years at Our Savior Lutheran Preschool and is now ready to move on to Kindergarten! He got a very special book and certificate from his teacher's on the last day of class.
Cameron with his teachers Miss Chris and Miss Connie.
On the very last day of school the class took a field trip to the Issaquah Salmon Hatchery (F.I.S.H.). It was a fun end to a fun school year!
Cameron and his friend Toby.
Even Maleah got to participate......
Good coloring, Maleah!